Edward Scissorhands Recut Trailer
“Edward Scissorhands” was always one of my favorite films, that’s why I decided to make this recut trailer. I wanted the challenge to see if I could edit this movie of Tim Burton and make it the opposite of his idea, no humanity, a horror recut trailer. My intention is to make a friendly character, evil and distractive. Tim Burton who has always intrigued me with his outcast’s characters making them frightening but at the same time sympathetic because of their desire to fit in and not be evil at heart. The viewer feels sorry and shows understanding for these creepy characters, therefore his message gets across to his viewers, he makes the audience realize that different can be accepted in our society. Tim Burton is fascinated by what is weird, he creates characters making them comical and combines them together. My story starts with a Christmas scene watching a man singing a Christmas song on the roof of his h...