
Showing posts from June, 2014

All about love

       LOVE is LOVE After watching some of the answers to Life’s Big Questions for the question of ‘What is Love?’ I was inspired to share my take on what love is. Certainly we couldn't exist without love, it’s wonderful to love and be loved. Love, a four letter word with a strong meaning. It comes from within us an emotion so great so divine so complete. When we are born, a mother's love shows how important it is for her newborn to grow into a person who will continue in a righteous and warm way. An infant's love is unconditional. It's so important to love and be loved, a hunger which comes from our soul it needs to be shared. A feeling which rises you to the heavens without it we are half a person. We love our family, our friends, our country, our lover, our pets, and there are so many definitions to how we love each one. How we express ourselves to each kind of love, how different ou...

life’s big questions

Gold Coast resident interviews Residents of Helensvale on the Gold Coast answered some of life’s big questions I paired up with a friend of mine from Tafe, David Mahan, and we asked people what Is the best thing about their community? Is it ever ok to lie? What does the phrase “a fair go” mean to them? a baby white lie
Japanese students shots in Australia Antony Condoleon Photography
                                 A Dedication To My Dog Hera                              To my best friend         I want to share my feelings and story of my dog Hera. My proud beautiful red setter for 13 years kept me company. There was a time in my life the emptiness I felt was unbearable. When I first met Hera, she was a longed eared frightened puppy. So quiet and unprotected after parting ways from her mother. She sat in a corner without making any kind of noise like other little puppies. It was like she was checking out my reactions towards her wondering if I will accept her into my family. Will I treat her kindly? At the time I didn’t realize this, only as...